
"وقـل اعمـلوا فسـيرى الله عـملكم ورسـوله والمؤمنـون"

..لمحة عن كليات جامعة دمشق و فروعها... شاركنا تجربتك وكلمنا عن اختصاصك

برنـامج الـدوام
برنـامج الامتحــان
النتـائج الامتحـانيـة
أسـئلة دورات
أفكـار ومشــاريع
حلقــات بحـث
مشــاريع تخـرّج
"وقـل اعمـلوا فسـيرى الله عـملكم ورسـوله والمؤمنـون"
كلية طب الأسنان

’’ لوحة إعلانات كلية طب الأسنان  ’’

             - مواضيع ننصح بزيارتها :

          * أخبار السنيناتية .. أول بأول

          * يوميات سنيناتي من السنة الأولى

          * علم النسج العام .. سنة أولى

          * علم الاحياء الدقيقة .. سنة أولى

          * الساحة الجماعية .. لطلاب طب الاسنان

  ملتقى طلاب جامعة دمشق --> كلية طب الأسنان --> الأقسام العامة كلية طب الاسنان --> Dentistry in english
    They are our children .. We care for their teeth
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.They are our children .. We care for their teeth


جامعـي نشـيط

مسجل منذ: 28-07-2010
عدد المشاركات: 101
تقييمات العضو: 1
المتابعون: 4

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رسالة مستعجلة

They are our children .. We care for their teeth

31-07-2010 10:20 AM

      Hello future doctors 

      It is recommended that children should go to the dentist with their parents as soon as possible. You should then take them regularly, as often as your dentist recommends. This will let them get used to the noises, smells and surroundings and prepare them for future visits. The earlier these visits begin, the more relaxed the children will be


      First or 'baby' teeth have usually developed before your child is born and will start to come through at around 6 months. All 20 baby teeth should be through by the age of 2. 

      The first permanent 'adult' molars  will appear at about 6 years of age, behind the baby teeth and before the first teeth start to fall out at about 6 to 7. The permanent 'adult' teeth will then replace the 'baby' teeth. It is usually the lower front teeth that are lost first, followed by the upper front teeth shortly after. All permanent teeth should be in place by the age of 13, except the wisdom teeth. These may erupt any time between 18 and 25 years of age.

      All children are different and develop at different rates


      Cleaning your childّs teeth should be part of their daily hygiene routine.

      You may find it easier to stand or sit behind your child, cradling their chin
      in your hand so you can reach their top and bottom teeth more easily  When the first teeth start to come through, try using a children s toothbrush with a small smear of toothpaste. It is important to supervise your childs brushing until they are at least seven.  Once all the teeth have come through, use a small-headed soft toothbrush in small circular movements and try to concentrate on one section at a time Dont forget to brush gently behind the teeth and onto the gums. If possible make tooth brushing a routine 
      preferably in the morning, and last thing before your child goes to bed.  Remember to encourage your child, as praise will often get results


      There are many different types of childrens toothbrushes available, including brightly coloured brushes, some of which change colour, those with favourite characters on the handles, and some with timers. These all encourage children to brush their teeth.

      The most important point is to use a small-headed toothbrush with soft, nylon bristles, suitable for the age of your child.

      If in doubt, look for the British Dental Health Foundation symbol on toothbrush and toothpaste packaging
      . This logo means that the product claims made on the pack are supported by scientific testing


    I hope you make good use of the subject.
    For me it was a seminar in the second year of dentistry, but he was too long I tried to shortcut it to you

ملتقى طلاب جامعة دمشق

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عضو ذهبي

o0o( ... Use It ... )o0o

مسجل منذ: 20-02-2010
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رد مشاركة : They are our children .. We care for their teeth

31-07-2010 02:23 PM

Peace be upon you

You should then take them regularly, as often as your dentist recommends

That's very important .. and I hope to be understandable for all families .

The earlier these visits begin, the more relaxed the children will be

Indeed .. You are right , espicially for nowadays children .. they are fondling

I enjoyed reading this reductive information ... many thanks Dr.Effloresce` .


I hope you make good use of the subject.
For me it was a seminar in the second year of dentistry, but he was too long I tried to shortcut it to you

first : I improved my english ..
second : I will try to use it for good .

God bless you

أنت غير مسجل لدينا.. يمكنك التسجيل الآن.

مشاركة : 3


جامعـي نشـيط

مسجل منذ: 28-07-2010
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رد مشاركة : They are our children .. We care for their teeth

31-07-2010 09:09 PM

    first : I improved my english ..
    second : I will try to use it for good

    Welcome to Dr.
    I'm glad you know how nice thing from English .. Even if it were simple
    We must invest our efforts now in all good
    Because our work (in the clinic / field of work ) needs to be medical terminology in English, even if we were studying at the university in Arabic.

    I advise you to learn from now, my future doctors
    What do you think we can help ourselves to learn a lot about the English language in our field?
    Give me your suggestions ...?

(( مَنْ سَلَكَ طَرِيقَاً يَلْتَمِسُ فيهِ عِلْماً .. سَهَّلَ اللهُ لَهُ طَريقَاً إلى الجَّنَّة ))

دعْ الدنيـا تبكـي من جبروت ابتساماتـك

نسيـت الحـزنَ .. شوقـاً للغـدِ الأفضـل

أنت غير مسجل لدينا.. يمكنك التسجيل الآن.

مشاركة : 4


عضو ذهبي

o0o( ... Use It ... )o0o

مسجل منذ: 20-02-2010
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رسالة مستعجلة

رد مشاركة : They are our children .. We care for their teeth

02-08-2010 05:52 PM

We must invest our efforts now in all good

You are absolutely right ..

I advise you to learn from now, my future doctors

from now ! ! Ok then .. I will start learning terminology as soon as possible.

What do you think we can help ourselves to learn a lot about the English language in our field?
Give me your suggestions ...?

ermmm .. Ok I think the translation program "Babylon" is very good and may help us in terminology .. especially if you add the medicine dictionary to it .
I don't know anything else actually ,, waiting for your suggestion Doctor . . .

أنت غير مسجل لدينا.. يمكنك التسجيل الآن.

مشاركة : 5


عضو ذهبي

مسجل منذ: 17-07-2009
عدد المشاركات: 2696
تقييمات العضو: 82
المتابعون: 140

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رسالة مستعجلة

رد مشاركة : They are our children .. We care for their teeth

05-08-2010 04:12 PM

Peace be upon you all,

First of all, I would like to thank Obay for his idea of having a cooperation between the forum of dentistry and the forum of the Higher Institute of Translation and Interpretation.

As the first step to be taken, I have translated this article into Arabic and it is published in the section of scientific translation in my forum.

If interested to read it in Arabic, click on the link


فَانتَظِرُواْ إِنِّي مَعَكُم مِّنَ الْمُنتَظِرِينَ 

أنت غير مسجل لدينا.. يمكنك التسجيل الآن.

مشاركة : 6


عضو ذهبي

o0o( ... Use It ... )o0o

مسجل منذ: 20-02-2010
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رسالة مستعجلة

رد مشاركة : They are our children .. We care for their teeth

06-08-2010 08:55 AM

Peace be upon you ...

very nice work my brother Abd-Al-rahman ... I hope you had fun and knowledge during this translation .. I'm too glad you did it .. and I believe you will continue that thing with us ..

thank you for your work ...
Best Regards

أنت غير مسجل لدينا.. يمكنك التسجيل الآن.

مشاركة : 7


جامعـي نشـيط

مسجل منذ: 28-07-2010
عدد المشاركات: 101
تقييمات العضو: 1
المتابعون: 4

غير موجود
اشــترك بالتحديثات
رسالة مستعجلة

رد مشاركة : They are our children .. We care for their teeth

06-08-2010 09:20 AM

الشــMEDــامي BRAVO

Great idea
I hope to be a beautiful beginning of our cooperation.

I thank you also suggested this idea ... obay qasem

Will continue our interaction

(( مَنْ سَلَكَ طَرِيقَاً يَلْتَمِسُ فيهِ عِلْماً .. سَهَّلَ اللهُ لَهُ طَريقَاً إلى الجَّنَّة ))

دعْ الدنيـا تبكـي من جبروت ابتساماتـك

نسيـت الحـزنَ .. شوقـاً للغـدِ الأفضـل

أنت غير مسجل لدينا.. يمكنك التسجيل الآن.

مشاركة : 8


عضو ذهبي

مسجل منذ: 17-07-2009
عدد المشاركات: 2696
تقييمات العضو: 82
المتابعون: 140

غير موجود
اشــترك بالتحديثات
رسالة مستعجلة

رد مشاركة : They are our children .. We care for their teeth

06-08-2010 11:40 PM

Peace be upon you, guys.
many thanks for you nice words.

We will continue inshalla.

فَانتَظِرُواْ إِنِّي مَعَكُم مِّنَ الْمُنتَظِرِينَ 

أنت غير مسجل لدينا.. يمكنك التسجيل الآن.

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